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Dartmouth college in a sentence

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Sentence count:13Posted:2020-12-14Updated:2020-12-14
Similar words: dartmouthplymouth colonycollegecollege leveljunior collegecollege studentcommunity collegetraining collegeMeaning: n. a college in New Hampshire. 
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(1) He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1962 and received a law degree from Yale University law school.
(2) Green, an ethicist at Dartmouth College and an adviser to Advanced Cell Technology, said he hoped the new method "provides a way of ending the impasse about federal funding for this research."
(3) They went to Dartmouth College together in the 1960s and have frequently done business together since.
(4) He realised that students at Dartmouth College had roommates assigned largely at random.
(5) Dartmouth College just marked the fiftieth anniversary of that summer study.
(6) Enters Dartmouth College instead of Harvard because it is cheaper.
(7) Geomicrobiologist Jill Mikucki, now at Dartmouth College, collected water samples from Blood Falls over 6 years.
(8) Researchers Laura T. Germine[], Dr. Ken Nakayama of Harvard University and Dr. Bradley Duchaine of Dartmouth College will publish their work in a forthcoming issue of the journal Cognition.
(9) This is a misguided mission, argues physicist and former "Unifier" Marcelo Gleiser of Dartmouth College.
(10) But I'd also accepted all his outrageous gifts and was registered, however futilely , to attend Dartmouth College in the fall.
(11) In the predawn hours of May Day, two professors at Dartmouth College run the first program in their new language, Basic.
(12) "On the broad canvas of presidential trade policy, Obama's decision is unexceptional, " says Doug Irwin, a trade historian at Dartmouth College.
(13) JKR received her first honorary degree in June 2000 from Dartmouth College.
More similar words: dartmouthplymouth colonycollegecollege leveljunior collegecollege studentcommunity collegetraining collegeelectoral collegecollegiancollegialcollegiateintercollegiatefifth columnart collectionshiver with coldlegendaryallegesmart moneyallegedart movementallegedlyheart monitortoll collectorfrom mouth to mouthit is alleged thatmouth-to-mouth resuscitationcolletmouth-to-moutharthurian legend
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